Otto Rapp - Curriculum Vitae
Born in 1944 in Felixdorf, Lower Austria, Otto lived and was educated in Vienna, where later he worked as a clerk in the Transport and Insurance Business. After completing service in the Austrian Air Force, he traveled throughout Europe, eventually settling in Stockholm, Sweden.
1950 to 1958 Volksschule, Hauptschule -Wien-Favoriten -Vienna, Austria
1959 to 1962 Berufsschule fuer Grosshandel (Tradeschool for Wholesale Business) - Vienna, Austria
1978 to 1982 University of Lethbridge -Art Department, Visual Arts Major - Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
Speditions-Kaufmanns-Gehilfenbrief - Kammer der Gewerblichen Wirtschaft fuer Wien, Fachgruppe Spediteure - Vienna, Austria
Bachelor of Fine Art (with Great Distinction) 1982 - University of Lethbridge -Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
1979 - Prize in Studio Art - The Faculty, Department of Art, University of Lethbridge
1979 - Beta Sigma Phi Scholarship - Beta Sigma Phi, University of Lethbridge
1980 - Certificate of Merit - The Minister for Advanced Education and Manpower, Province of Alberta, Canada